Financial Structure

This committee shall be composed of three or four members. Its' duties will include:


To provide avenue for generation of funds for the Association. Shall act as Advisory committee on financial matters. To audit the Association's accounts annually.


The Structural Composition of Executive Council


The Executive committee shall be empowered to discipline any member of the Executive for gross misconduct.

This power must be sanctioned by a simply majority and seek approval from the house accordingly.

The Executive council shall comprise of all elected officers of the Association and constituted by:

•The President
•The Vice President
•The Secretary
•The Assistant Secretary
•The Treasurer
•The Financial Secretary
•The Public Relations Officer
•The Welfare Secretary

The council members shall be elected annually (April to March) from within the membership and shall jointly andseverally be competent in their respective designations and be collectively accountable to the General House.


The council shall be empowered to recommend the appointment of patrons and matrons, to promote and facilitate the execution of the Association's aims and objectives. Both patrons and matrons shall be residents in UK & Ireland and/or Nigeria. His Royal Highness, the Ayangburen of Ikorodu shall be entitled to the Grand Patronship of the Association.


The Structural Composition of Council of Elders The council of elders shall have an advisory role on issues referred to them by the general house or the Executive Council.


The Council of elders will composed of not more than seven active elderly members of the Association


The Council of elders have the right to choose their own chairperson, secretary or any officer as deemed fit and reasonable. Names of such officers shall be forward to the General secretary soonest.


The Association's President and the General secretary may attend the Council of elders' meetings in the capacity of observers to clarify issue referred by the General house or the Executive council. The Council of elders' deliberations and recommendations shall however be subjected to approval of the General house.

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